So here it goes....... we waited in line for 2 hours, so that we could get in, luckily it wasn't that cold outside. While we were waiting in line some people came by with signs that said to text "jam" to some phone number and then you could win something. Well almost everyone that we were with text the number, and then 2 of them got a text back saying they won! They won T-shirts and VIP passes, so 2 of them got to go in early! When the doors opened everyone rushed in to get good seats. We went in and got our seats and then fought the crowd to go look at the bands merchandise. When we headed back to our seats it was time for the concert! The first person to play was former “American Idol” finalist Jason Castro. He didn't play very long but did a really good job. After Jason, Chris August played. I was really surprised with him. He had good music and then he did a song that he wrote called "The Candy Wrap", It was really funny and I was just amazed at how different this song sounded compared to the others. Then KJ-52 and George Moss came out on a little stage in the middle of the arena and showed us his 3 tips on how to get free stuff at Winter Jam! It was really funny! KJ-52 video taped the audience for his blog. You can watch the video Here. Then he tossed some T-shirts out towards the crowd!
After throwing a few shirts, KJ introduced RED and your attention was drawn to the main stage that had been moved around and there was all of RED's gear. Then they took the stage opening with their song "Death Of Me". They only played four songs, but they did great! My favorite song by them was "Breathe Into Me". I didn't get any pictures of RED because they were to far away. after RED played KJ-52 and George Moss took the little stage again and they did a couple of older mainstream songs including "Thriller". When they played "Thriller" they made us do the Thriller dance! It was SO much fun!
After that Newsong took the stage. While they were playing I noticed that KJ-52 was standing down by the little stage and he had some fans coming up and getting pictures taken with him, before long there was a little line forming. One of our friends that had won the VIP pass called my mom and asked if I wanted to go down there for a little bit! I was SO excited! I didn't end up sitting down there but I went and got a picture with KJ and he signed the VIP pass! I could barely hear him over the sound of Newsong playing but it was still really awesome! Then I went back up to my seat and watch the rest of Newsong's performance. After Newsong played speaker Tony Nolan took the stage. He had a really good message about being healed from your hurt. He also had a really good testimony. Then after Tony Nolan was done speaking Francesca Battistelli was up. Francesca was good, she was kinda sick so she wasn't as good as she could have been. My favorite song that she played was "This is the stuff" because it just sounded really cool in concert! After Francesca played Kutless took the stage. They only played a few songs but they did really good! My favorite was "Sea Of Faces" because it's just a classic! But they played a couple other ones that I liked as well. Once Kutless was done, KJ-52 played a small show on the main stage. He played part of "Tweezy Dance", "Swagged Out With Tags Out" and "End Of My Rope". My favorite was "Tweezy Dance" because he had us doing dance moves!
After KJ-52 played Sidewalk Prophets played a couple of songs. I was surprised because I didn't really know who they were, but I actually knew a few of there songs. Although my favorite part of their show was the end, they had us sing "Amazing Grace" with our eyes closed and the snuck off the stage. I really liked that because they seemed really humble. Then after we finished singing "Amazing Grace" a speaker got up and spoke for a little bit, and then it was time for Newsboys! There was a two minute countdown saying "Newsboys will take the stage in Two Minutes". After the two minutes music started playing and it was dark, then all of a sudden the lights flashed on and they were already out there! Newsboys put on a really good show, They had alot of special affects, including Guitar and Piano lifts that went out over the crowd, and I lift that the singer went up on, and even a spinning Drum set!