
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Interview With Sean Loche From Worth Dying For

I had pleasure to interview Worth Dying For's very own Sean Loche. I was also able to review Worth Dying For's new album "Live Riot". My questions are in Green and Sean's answers are in Orange.

How did God call you into this ministry?

I grew up in the church that the ministry was under. Getting older, I knew I had a call of God to reach people through the area of worship music. I wanted to show people that our God is not boring and is creative in all He does. Ps Jeremy and Christy Johnson meanwhile had the same mindset and believed in the dream I had. This brought us all together and out of that birthed the ministry of Ammunition and Worth Dying For.

Will you give us a couple of examples of how God has shown up in your life, when times were maybe dark or you were discouraged?

An event that currently happened in our team was with Christy Johnson. In March of 2010, our lead pastor Jeremy Johnson and his wife Christy had a miscarriage. In that time, the whole didn’t fully understand why this had happened. We encouraged to see a man and woman of God stand on the promise of Romans 8:28 which says, “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.” In a beautiful story, after trying and believing for their miracle child, Christy and Jeremy are currently expecting their first child.

Where is your favorite place you have played and why?

While we love every place that we lead worship and connect with Christ, Ammunition Conference has a special place in our hearts. We are so proud of where this conference has come and the power and presence of God that invades the room.

What would you say your main message is as a band?

As a worship team, we want each ministry, church, youth group, and person to realize that God has put a specific purpose in his or her life and/or ministry. We aren’t meant to be carbon copies of each other but rather unique, creative, individuals with a specific purpose and calling.

Now if you had to pick a favorite song from your new album what would it be?
Let’s preface this by saying each song has a very unique place and my favorite changes all of the time! Currently, I am loving the song, “Rebuild.” Having our lead pastor Jeremy Johnson give a charge to Christians around the world to rebuild their culture with the love of Christ set to music will get me pumped about seeing the lost come to know Him any day.        

Can you give an idea of what a typical day looks like for you on tour?

Summed up in one word, it’s a whirlwind. Its funny because I talk with my wife about how when we are home, life seems to move so much slower but when we are on the road, a month feels like it was just one day. As a team, we will typically spend the morning working on running the ministries of Ammunition, Worth Dying For, and now the church plant, FEARLESS. Sound check happens in early afternoon. In the evening, we make it a priority that no matter what happens in the day, we spend time praying, reading the scripture, and believing for miracles to take place that evening. We ask God to challenge our faith and to move in any way He would like. This all leads up to the worship experience. Afterwards, we also make every effort to meet the people we worshipped together with and pray for any needs that they may have.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life?

My wife Whitney Loche. Without her, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing.

How would you describe God to someone who doesn't know anything about Him?

Unconditional Love. It’s sad because the modern day view of Christ from those who don’t know him is overwhelmingly that of judgment, condemnation, and, to be honest, just boring. People need to know that our God has unconditional love no matter where you have been and that serving him will be the wildest, craziest, most exciting journey you could ever choose.

 Do you have any advice for my readers on how to keep God your focus?

Accountability. Create a culture around you that loves accountability. Open up your circle to let those who are close to you call you out on scenarios and pull you closer to Him with love.

If you had one day where you could do anything, anywhere, what would you do?

If I could do anything….. I have always wanted the ability to fly…. That would be awesome! I would probably fly to Disneyworld and have the greatest day of my life!

Five Fun Facts:
1. What is your favorite movie?

Call me a kid, but I am a lover of all things Disney. Up, Toy Story, Tron, any of that takes the cake.

2. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?

3. What is your least favorite food?

Fruit. I HATE all fruit…. In my life, I have only met one other person like me but any type of fruit makes me want to vomit…

4. What is the last CD you bought?

Foster The People, Torches

5. What is one thing that you must have with you while on tour?

My iPad…. That encompasses everything.
A pediatrician. That obviously changed :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Great interview! Sean Loche's "Take Back" was my personal favorite of their new record. :)
