
Friday, March 18, 2011

An Interview with Matt Dally of Superchick!

Do you remember how I said that I had something cool coming up on my blog? Well this is it!!! An interview with Superchick's very own Matt Dally!


Superchick is one of my favorite bands of all time, so I was honored when I found out that I got to interview Matt. If you don't remember Superchick was a big part of the reason that I fell in love with music! I went to one of their concerts and I was hooked! You can read my review of the concert Here!  I won't keep you waiting any longer....................(well maybe a little longer).............................................ok here it is:


The questions are Blue and Matt's answers are Red.  
1. Who inspired you to play music?

My father is a singer/song writer so I always had music in my house.

2. Where is your favorite place you have played and why?

New Zealand was amazing!  There were so many people there singing our songs.  Amazing.

3. Do you have any advice for someone who wants to be a musician?

I would suggest going to college first and after graduation if you still want to do it, go for it. 

4. When you aren't playing a show or traveling, what do you enjoy doing?

I like writing music, playing video games and playing basketball.

5. What is your favorite verse and why?

Phil 4:6-7 I am a worrier at times and it reminds me that God is in control and he will give you peace.

6. How or What do you do to keep God your focus?

Getting involved in a home church is key for growth and accountability.

7. Who have you always wanted to perform for?

The Queen of England

8. What is the best and worst part of going on tour?

The best part is seeing the world and meeting new people.
The worst you are always gone for family parties and holidays.

9. If you had one day where you could do anything, anywhere, what would you do?

I would be in Italy eating lots of food!

10. What is one thing that you wish you would have known before starting Superchick?

That a band is much more than music, it is a ministry, a business and lots of work.

Thanks everyone for reading and thanks Matt for doing the interview! You can even Follow Matt on Twitter 


  1. That is way too cool! Matt is so awesome!!! :D

  2. That's awesome! Congrats on getting to interview Matt! He's my favorite from Superchick!

  3. Whoa! That's awesome! Great interview!

  4. AWESOME!!!! Loved the interview!

  5. Thanks guys! :) Yeah Matt is my favorite from Superchick! He rocks!
