We met up with our friend and we left early for the concert. We did a little shopping to kill time and then finally it was time for the V.I.P.'s to go and meet the bands! We got there waited in line for a little bit and then they opened the doors and let us go get our seats. We got seats in the second row! Then the bands came out for questions. First it was Superchick, I didn't really know who they were I was mainly going to see Barlow Girl. They answered some questions and the only one I remember was one girl asked if Matt (the guitar player) would be doing any screaming tonight. So he told her that he would scream just for her! I thought that was pretty cool! Then Barlow Girl came out for questions, I didn't ask them anything because I was to nervous but they got asked the basic questions that everyone asks. Then we got to get our picture taken with Barlow Girl and Superchick! As we were greeting the band and getting ready for the picture, My mom says to Barlow Girl "Hi this is my daughter Courtney and she is homeschooled." lets just say I was a little embarrassed! But then after she said that the Barlow Girl's said that they used to be homeschooled too! (My mom knew that they had been homeschooled and that's why she mentioned that I was) Then Matt from Superchick feeling left out, said "I'm homeschooled!". Then the lead singer Tricia was like "No Mattie your not"! It was funny and although I was a little embarrassed, I was kinda glad my mom said that. Then after pictures we went and looked at the bands merchandise tables. I got a Barlow Girl T-shirt and a VOTA hat! Here is a picture of the hat!

(if you read this WHOLE story then thank you!)