
Monday, September 15, 2014

Boiling Point - More Album Review

Boiling Point released their new album More tomorrow. I had a chance to ask the band some questions about the new album in an interview I did with them, which you can read here.

  The first thing you notice with listening to any band or album is the sound, so that is what I will address first. Boiling Point has a pop/rock sound that reminds me a bit of 7eventh Time Down. Boiling Point doesn't have a hard of a rock sound as 7TD, so they might be a little more radio friendly than 7TD.

  Overall though the album doesn't sound that unique. That's not necessarily a bad thing, because it means that even with Boiling Point being an indie band they sound somewhat similar to what you might hear on Christian radio. However, being a little more adventurous with the sound wouldn't be a bad thing for Boiling Point to explore. Especially some acoustic songs, or harder rock songs.

  Now to the lyrics, I really appreciate how nearly every song on this album has it's own story and message woven into it. The thing with a lot of Christian rock bands today is that if no one ever told you what genre they were in, you would probably never know. However, Boiling Point does an excellent job of telling a story, and uplifting listeners with their lyrics. I feel like you could easily identify where Boiling Point stands, without it coming across as "preach-y".

  Ordinary Girl is one of my favorite songs on the album, and also one of my favorite songs in general, that was released this year. In the interview I did with Boiling Point I asked them where they got the inspiration for writing Ordinary Girl, you can read the interview here to get the whole story. Basically the song is about empowering girls and letting them know that they are beautiful, no matter what anyone says.

  I was really able to identify with this song since I am a girl, but also because I am involved in youth ministry. So I am surrounded by girls that feel like they have no value because they aren't beautiful, or because they don't have guys chasing them down. So I absolutely loved the message of Ordinary Girl. I would love to hear this song played all of the radio.

  For Boiling Point still being a smaller indie band, this is a very strong album and might I say a strong start to their career. If Boiling Point stays true to who they are and continues to improve and release albums like More, then in the next few years I could definitely see them touring on Winter Jam. I am excited to see where they go from here!

  All in all I really enjoyed this album. With a blend of rock, pop and meaningful lyrics it made for a great album. If you are looking for some new music to listen to, then I highly recommend that you check out More. You can listen to and buy the album on iTunes here.

You can connect with Boiling Point on:

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