
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Modern Day Cure

Hailing form Saginaw, MI is an up and coming Christian band called Modern Day Cure. I came across this band after promoting an event that they were going to be playing at. I checked out their music (as I always do) and I was really impressed. 

For being relatively new to the scene, the band seemed put together and professional! I wanted to share about the band in case you have never heard of them, and I'm telling ya, keep an eye on Modern Day Cure because I could definitely see them going places! 

Can you give us a little background history on how Modern Day Cure got started?

It’s really a long and crazy story but I’ll give the short version. People can find the full story on our website at God spoke to me (Aaron) while I was in Atlanta at a youth conference to start a band. When I got back to Michigan I told Tamar, my fiancĂ© at the time. She got on board and we reached out to Tifani. Once she said yes, we were like, sweet! We had a core to start with. 

The funny thing is that none of us were currently playing any instruments at the time, but we obeyed God anyway. We began to meet and practice and slowly God opened doors for us. We released a four-song EP in 2012 and have had some really cool experiences along the way. 

We are currently finishing our first full-length album called Victorious. We just recently released our first single from the album called Strong God. We’re giving it away for free at You can check out our lyric music video for the song at

Will you introduce us to the band members, and what instrument each of you play?

I (Aaron Chipp) am the drummer and primary songwriter for MDC. Tamar Chipp (my wife) plays the keys and is the lead singer. Tifani Hall plays rhythm guitar and also sings. 

In addition, I’m the band jokester (I once convinced Tif I had broken her tube amp by crushing a light bulb next to it), Tamar is the sound check aficionado (she can hear feedback from miles away) and Tifani is the band’s traveling store (you name it, she’s got it in her purse). We love being around each other and we bring out the best in each other.

Who are some of the bands musical influences?

It’s eclectic for sure. But to name a few favorites… Desperation Band, Jesus Culture, Elevation Worship, Jared Anderson.

What do you hope listeners will get from listening to your music?

Our hope is that people will be inspired, encouraged and strengthened.

Our music carries a message of hope and victory in Christ. We pray people will know that God’s power is greater than anything they face.

What inspires your music and lyrics?

We draw inspiration from everyday experiences. Many of the songs we write are out of response of something we’re going through at the time. Also as a worship band, the scriptures are a huge part of our inspiration. 

We try to write lyrics that are biblically and theologically sound, but at the same time are easy to sing and not too complicated. Another avenue of inspiration for us is our church. The three of us are worship leaders at our home church and many of the messages have inspired the songs we write and play at our church every week.

What is the best piece of advice that you have ever been given?

It’s hard to say. We’ve had some great people speak into our lives. Regarding the band specifically, we always remind each other to enjoy the journey, to let the process shape us into the people God wants us to be. Destiny is more than what you do or where you go; it’s who you become along the way. As a band, that truth has and will always stick with us.

What is something that you feel God has been trying to show/teach you recently?

Definitely, that He’s in control. His word is trustworthy. That He is working for our good and His glory even when we can’t see it.

Five Random Bonus Questions

1. What is your favorite movie line? 

“That ain’t nothing but some ultra perm”- Coming to America

2. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? 

Lion, they sleep, eat, and intimidate. Got to be the life, right?

3. Do you collect anything?

Loose change

4. If you had one day to do anything, anywhere, what would you do?

Visit Israel and see where Bible History took place.

5. What is something that most people don't know about you? 

I use to play the saxophone in middle school.

Strong God Lyric Video from Modern Day Cure on Vimeo.
You can connect with Modern Day Cure on:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | 

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