
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Above The Golden State Changes Their Name To Nations

NEWS SOURCE: Nations /
July 19, 2013

Former Sparrow Records pop rock band Above The Golden State are preparing the release of a brand new album, but with the new album title is coming a brand new name as well. That's right; Above The Golden State has renamed themselves to Nations.
About the self-titled release, due out this fall, frontman Michael Watson states:

From Above The Golden State to Nations
"I will praise You, Lord, among the nations" (Ps. 57:9)
Over a year ago when I sat down to pick out songs for the new record with Steve Wilson (producer of Above The Golden State), neither of us had any idea what this record would sound like or what it would be called. The further we got into production; it was obvious to us two things: (1. It was a worship record and (2. It didn't exactly sound like an ATGS record.

A year goes by... The Kickstarter has begun. I'm beginning to show rough mixes of songs to family and friends. I'm getting a lot of positive feedback, along with comments confirming the 2 things above. This record is uniquely different then what I've done in the past.
In the meantime, I had been searching and praying daily for a name I felt could represent this album. The word that kept coming up was nations.
I first thought "Great! I'll just call the album Nations- a worship album by Above The Golden State"... but the further I got into the final production... it became simply, Nations.
What does it mean? I think it's twofold- to the nations and from the nations. God's message and goal throughout the scriptures is to be in relationship with all people from all nations. From the calling out of Abraham to the sending out of the apostle Paul, we are being sent to the nations! (Gen.12:3, Acts 9:15)

We are telling the world of this God who is love... praising Him among the nations. The gospel (Jesus is Lord) has successfully reached the far corners of the earth and continues to do so today. Point in case, here I am 2000 years later on the other side of the world singing and sharing about the love of God... using electric guitars and computers. Ha! So now the message is coming from the nations too (Ps.57:7-11, Matt.28:19, Rev.7:9). Amazing!
All that to say, don't be surprised when you download the new album and it says Nations. ;)

An official release date has yet to be set, but the album is expected to release this fall. Nations will also be featuring a track from the album on the upcoming indie music compilation, Songs We've Been Trying To Tell You About (And Others We Haven't), Volume Three (Release date TBA). Stay tuned!

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