
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Independent Artist Of The Week: Rekoncyle + Interview

This week I thought I would change things up a bit. So instead of giving you an over-view of the band, I thought I would interview them instead! This interview is with the lead singer of the band Matt Lefait, and my questions are in Grey and Matt's answers are in Blue.

How did Rekoncyle start?

 Rekoncyle started back in 2009 as a crazy dream I always had, I always wanted to be in a Band but didn't really know how to go about it, we started with mostly different members jamming around and playing the occasional gig, then we decided to see how far God could take this and went in the studio and recorded our first album.

What is the story behind the band name?

We take our name from the Bible verse found in 2 Corinthians 5:20, Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.  of course I had to mess around with the spelling and change Reconcile to Rekoncyle for fun :)

How would you describe Rekoncyle's sound?

We're pretty hard hitting with an undertone of softness tied together with some pretty sweet guitar solos!

Will you introduce us to the members of the band, and tell us what they do? 

I'm Matt LeFait - Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar.
Kevin Munn - Lead Guitar/BGV.
Amy Munn - Keys/BGV.
Andrew Bradley - Drums.
Andrew Fowler - Bass.
If You noticed Kevin and Amy have the same last name ....their married, Amy is also my Sister which makes Kevin my brother in law:P

What is the main message that you are trying to convey through your music?

We see a lot of bands that make music just for the sake of making music, our objective through all of this(besides rockin your faces off) is to bring hope to a dying world, show them there is a better way to live your life. Our songs range from topics from Not giving up(in our song Interest to live), Bullying, even Suicide(in our sing Turn away), that all point to the love of God.

Where is your favorite venue that you have played a show at? 

We had a CD release party back in April and the Church we had it at was pretty sweet, huge stage , awesome lights, the whole works!

Where is one place that you would love to play?

I'd have to say Staples Center.

Will you give us a couple of examples of how God has shown up in your life, when times were maybe dark or you were discouraged?

Actually this ones kinda funny (not at the time though :P ) . The day of our CD Release party I lost most of my voice about 2hrs before the show (I had been sick and thought I was over it...) , I was sooooo discouraged, I went home to get ready after sound check and did some vocal exercises, it was terrible sounding, I couldn't even hit half my range hahaha. anyways after our opening acts finished and the crowd was cheering for us my nerves of not being able to sing just vanished, we went out and Rocked the house !! It was incredible and I really believe God got me through that!

If you had to pick one Bible verse to be the band motto, what would it be?

Gonna have to go with 2 Corinthians 5:20 :)

What is one thing that you wish you would have known before starting a band?

Don't stress the little stuff, it'll all work out in the end.

If you had one day to do anything, anywhere what would you do?

Eat at every steakhouse I possibly could....I Love Steak!!! hehehe

5 Random Bonus Questions:

#1. What is your favorite cartoon character?


#2 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

hmmmm, not sure actually hahaha

#3 What time is "bed time"?


#4 What is something that most people don't know about you?

I'm pretty hyper (especially if i have cream soda or coffee) tho I'm sure if any ones been around me for any amount of time they know that... , I like to build stuff too :)

#5 What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

 A song a friend of mine sent me , not sure the name of it..hahaha

Thanks for doing this interview, is there anything you would like to add?

 One more thing I wanted to add would be that I'm married to a beautiful woman named Kayla, have an awesome son named Kayden, and are expecting a little girl due in august! They are a big inspiration and are very supportive!

Now below is a great song by Rekoncyle called "Running Out Of Air".

If you enjoyed the interview and or the music slide show make sure you support Rekoncyle by liking them on Facebook and you can check out their website Also you can get their full length album "Resolution" on iTunes and Amazon. :)

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