
Saturday, January 14, 2012

The City Harmonic Bass Player Diagnosed With Leukemia

Please keep The City Harmonic and their bass player Eric Fusilier and his family in your prayers, because they just discovered that their band mate and friend was diagnosed with Leukemia. Below is the letter that the band posted....
Dear friends and family of The City Harmonic,

It is with a heavy and yet hopeful heart that we ask your help in prayer. A few nights ago, our brother-in-Christ and bandmate Eric Fusilier was feeling weak and unable to move. As such, he and his wife visited the doctor and underwent a series of tests. Within a matter of hours they received a phone call urging them to hurry him to a hospital for further tests and to treat some serious concerns.

Yesterday morning we heard from Laura that Eric has been diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of Leukemia known as ALL,or Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully, this is a treatable and potentially curable cancer, however it will be a challenging road ahead for Eric and Laura’s families as well as their friend and family. For now, we simply ask that you join with us in prayer for the Eric, Laura, and all those touched by him. Please pray for his health and well-being, and thank God for his courage and continued good-spirits in this difficult time.

Elias, Eric, Aaron and Josh


  1. I heard about this... so sad! I will be praying for Eric, his family, and TCH! :)

    P.S. I thought it would be worth mentioning that Aaron Shust's new baby boy, Michael Aaron (born yesterday), has just been diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Please pray for his family as well! Here's a link to his blog for more info if you want to pass this on to your readers:

  2. My prayers are with Eric and his family. I have been a long time fund-raiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team-In-Training program. I would encourage anyone who wants to help or "do something" to look up and sign up for an endurance, fund-raising event. WE can beat this monster!!! Together we can and will find a cure!!! Remember - we have God on our team!!!!
    And a side note- I am a cancer survivor!!! PRAISE TO GOD!!!
    We will be praying for you Eric!!!
