
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Do Hard Things Book Review

Do Hard Things is a book for teens about rebelling against low expectations.

I hadn't heard that much about "Do Hard Things" before reading it. I had heard that it was for teens and that is about it, but the title intrigued me so i decided to read it. As I started reading the book I found out that it is actually written by two 19 year old twins (Alex and Brett Harris). Now I was really interested in reading it because it was written for teens by teens. I actually read all of "Do Hard Things" in a week. Now to some of you big readers you may think that took a while but for me that is fast! I stayed up until 1am to finish reading this book, it is just that good. In this book Alex & Brett talk about breaking the mold of a typical teenager, by going out of your way to do hard things instead of just passing through life. They break down hard things into 5 categories The First Scary Step, Raising The Bar, The Power Of Collaboration, Small Hard Things and Taking A Stand. They also talk about how the "hard things" aren't things that you hate they are most likely going to be things that you are passionate about, but you are just too afraid to do or too lazy to do.

One part in the beginning of the book says "We're not plotting to make your life miserable. We're not recommending that you do any and every difficult thing. For example, we're not telling you to rob a bank, jump off a cliff, climb Half Dome with your bare hands, or stand on your head for twenty-four hours straight. We are not telling you to do pointless (or stupid) hard things just because they're hard. And if your a Christian, we're certainly not telling you that if you work harder or make yourself  uncomfortable on purpose, God will love you more. He will never - could never - love you any more than He does right now. So that's what we're not doing. What we are doing is challenging you to grab hold of a more exciting option for your teen years than the one portrayed as normal in society today."

The book is just full of stories of teens just like me and you that have done hard things and that are still doing hard things. Even though it is geared more towards teens this book would be great for adults to read as well. "Do Hard Things" is now one of my all time favorite books. It makes you look at the little things that you do or don't do. Simple things like doing the dishes before your asked or harder things like getting up and speaking at your church. They are all important and those decisions to do hard things now will help you when your older. A personal thing for me is fear, I am afraid to take that first step out of my comfort zone. One thing that I have recently been learning the hard way is that if you keep putting things off because your afraid to do it, it will never get any easier. Almost every teenager has an idea in their mind of what they want to be when they "grow up" the thing is you don't go from what you are now to what you want to be overnight. You have to be stretched out of your comfort zone and start doing hard things now, so that you can become what you want to be and what God wants you to be.

I would say that "Do Hard Things" is a must own book for every teenager. I would give it a solid 5/5 stars. If you want to pick up your own copy of "Do Hard Things" you can go here. If you aren't a big fan of reading you can also get the audio version of the book for the same price ($12). Alex and Brett also have another book "Start Here" that follows up on "Do Hard Things". I haven't read this book yet, but I am definitely going to! Make sure you check out for more info and events.

1 comment:

  1. Aye, when you get into your teens, life starts becoming not the dream of "what I'm going to do when I grow up," but "what am I going to do now to grow myself up?" And it certainly is a bit scary! Partially because the world will hate us, since it hated Jesus. But we've got to reach them with the Gospel by all means, to save some.

    There's one book that's been a real treasure to me, about a lady named Amy Carmichael. Her story as a young lady is a great example for all young Christian ladies; she really stepped out for love of Christ. Her whole life is really a great booster for any Christian; it's been foundational for me. The big biography on her is "A Chance to Die" by Elisabeth Elliot, which was FANTASTIC because it was so in-depth, but it took me a few months to get through. Another great biography of her is by Geoff and Janet Benge.

    Your book reviews are great, btw. :) Have a great week!
