
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sojourn The Water And The Blood Hymns Of Isaac Watts: Vol. II Review

The Blood And The Water Hymns of Isaac Watts: Vol. II by Sojourn is a very raw Christian Gospel album. "Why?" you ask. When Mike Cosper the pastor of worship and arts at Sojourn Community Church in Louisville Kentucky explained the recording process he said "We recorded it essentially live on an old tape machine, and we allowed what happened to happen. It's imperfect in many ways - microphones bleeding into one another, mistakes left unedited - but in a way, it's a beautiful mess."

This CD is slower but something about it just seems kinda homie. Some of the songs sound like something you would hear people playing while rocking in a rocking chair on the front porch, and some of the songs sound more like a hymn you would sing at church. My favorite part about the CD is how original it is. To me it sounds like you went back in time and you are listening to some older music, It is very unique. My favorite song on the CD is "Blest Be The Lamb".

Track List
1. Absent From Flesh
             2. The Water And The Blood
  3. From Deep Distress
            4. Compel My Heart To Sing
                 5. Let The Seventh Angel Sound
                     6. Oh God, Our Help In Ages Past
  7. Deep In Our Hearts
 8. Blest Be The Lamb
          9. Death Has Lost It's Sting
10. Early, My God    
                    11. Let Your Blood Plead For Me
        12. The World Will Know

To find out more about Sojourn check out their Website and Facebook. You can even Follow them on Twitter.

I recieved this CD free, but all opinions are completely mine.


  1. Cool! I've never heard of them, but it sounds like a really interesting CD.

  2. Oh I love the hymns of Issac Watts! I just studied him for school, his hymns are meaningful. I would love to hear them put to music.
