This weekend I had the privilege to see Addison Road, 21:03, Thicker Than Water and Vertical Ambition Dance Company in concert. I went to the concert with my grandma, and we had a blast. I know what your thinking...."you took your grandma to a loud rock concert?". Yes.......yes I did, that is one thing that is really neat about my grandma, she loves concerts almost as much as me. We had VIP tickets so we had to go early so we could get good seats and meet the bands. Now confession time......I was excited about meeting the bands but I wasn't very familiar with the bands, so I had NO CLUE who was in a band and who wasn't. I had heard of Addison Road before the concert but I only knew one of their songs and I had no clue who was in the band and neither did my grandma. So my grandma and I just sat at a table and kinda watched people to try and figure out who was in a band and who wasn't. After we figured it out I went over to VADC (Vertical Ambition Dance Company) and asked them to sign my shirt (I will be putting up a post about my shirt).

Now I know you don't "need" to know this, but they had awesome shoes. They were also really cool and funny, they even gave me a signed poster. Then I met 21:03 and they also signed my shirt and a little postcard. After talking to them for a little bit me and my grandma sat down to wait for the other bands. While we were just sitting there, a lady came up and said "Hi I am Jenny". I introduced myself, not knowing why she had introduced herself. Then she said she was in one of they bands, I said "Oh Cool". I still had no clue who she was. Then she said "I'm in Addison Road". I didn't even realize that she was the lead singer. The funny part is I was telling my grandma on the way tho the concert, "The only person I will even recognize is the lead singer of Addison Road". Now don't get me wrong, there are times when I have met band members and they look nothing like the posters, that wasn't the problem. The problem was I had no clue who was in a band and who wasn't. Anyway, after she told me who she was we talked for a little bit then I met the rest of the band and they all signed my shirt. After we met the bands we went and got our seats and waited for the concert to start!
The first group to perform was VADC (Vertical Ambition Dance Company). Now they aren't technically a "band", they are a group of very talented dancers. I'm not talking just ballet dancing, they were break dancing. I absolutely love break dancing, so it was very cool to see. It must take alot of practice and talent to do what they do. Check out their
YouTube page to see some videos of their dancing. Also you can "Like" them on
Facebook, I am sure they would appreciate it. After they performed, Thicker Than Water played.
They played a great show. I was actually a little surprised because they were from the area so I figured that they would just be a filler band, but they were great. I loved how much they involved the crowd with motions and clapping. You can also check out their
Facebook page. After they finished VADC did another performance which was really neat. Then 21:03 took the stage. I must say that they looked awesome they were dressed in white and black. (I am telling you that so that you can visualize it :D )
There were a few people that had told me that I would like 21:03 and they were right. They had an amazing mix of gospel/rap and they were very energetic. I didn't know any of the songs but yet I was singing the chorus because it was catchy and they taught the audience parts of the songs. They also got the crowd involved in alot of the songs with motions. During one of the last songs that they played they had some dancers from VADC come out and dance while they were playing, it looked like a ton of fun. If you haven't heard of 21:03 you will. Make sure that you check out 21:03 on
Twitter and
YouTube. After they played VADC did another performance, I don't know how they can do all that dancing but it was very fun to watch. After they finished it was Addison Road's turn to take the stage for the last show of the night.
They did an fantastic job and they seemed like they were just having fun with it. I really enjoyed their show and alot of it was because they seemed like they enjoyed it, but they were also energetic and had good music so it all adds up. I was shocked at how many of their songs I actually knew. Jenny (the lead singer) also shared some amazing stories while they were up on stage playing. My grandma especially enjoyed their performance. Make sure that you check out Addison Road's
Facebook and
Twitter. Now if you haven't noticed when I review a concert I tell you the story of it all and its not as much of a review. For me its more interesting to hear someones story than it is to hear what songs the bands played. If you would rather me review things with more of the facts than the story let me know, I love getting new ideas. Thanks for reading. :)