
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

VOTA House Party Tour

Ok so I have some really AWESOME news! VOTA has announced that they are doing a "VOTA House Party Tour"! So what this means is that VOTA is having a contest where YOU can enter to win a private concert in your very own living room! How cool is that? I haven't even got to the best part.......VOTA is so AWESOME that they are making this a tour, so 30 lucky fans will get to have VOTA come play at their house! Yes I said 30!


 The only thing is that VOTA is only getting partially sponsored for this tour, so your mission if you choose to accept it is to be the promoter for the show (if you win). So that means that you have to try to get other people to come and buy tickets or you could buy everyones tickets (if you wanted to be that nice!) This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that you DON'T want to miss out on! So if this sounds like something your interested in sign up Here

         You can also Follow VOTA on Twitter @VOTAband

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