
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Corners - Born At Last Album Review

From Hannibal, MO comes a new band to most of you, called The Corners. The Corners just released a brand new album today titled Born At Last.

Right from the start listening to this album you can tell it is quite unique. The Corners have a rock/folk sound, that is not really like any other bands I have heard. The album starts off with the song "Waking Up" which gets you tapping your feet to the beat. This song sucks you in and from there, this album continues to surprise you.

The Corners have a very distinct sound which is fantastic. It seems like most bands (especially new bands) sound very similar to each other. It is a very nice and refreshing change to have a newer band that doesn't quite fit into any stereotype. The Corners aren't a rock band, they aren't a folk band, they are their own breed! I really appreciate that.

The thing that I really liked about this album was that it seemed very genuine and heartfelt. It sounds odd I know, but the music is just easy to connect to. You can feel what the lyrics are saying through the music. Anyways, back to the review....This album overall is pretty good not perfect but good. Although the songs may not all be gems, there are a few that are pretty much incredible. A couple songs on this album I could honestly listen to back to back all day, they are that just good! 

I just have this feeling that after I post this review and continue listening to this album, it will grow on me and I will have to re-review it. So until then...I am honestly torn with my conclusion for this album. I will just say this....for some of you this album may be the best album you have ever heard, and for others it may just be okay. I would say give it a shot, and either way keep an eye on this band....they are going places. Their music is way too unique and honest sounding to not be heard. 

For me the stand out tracks on Born At Last are: All Things New, Waking Up, Wolves & Born At Last. 

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